PCN Bill 2018: PSN-YPG Reaches out to Her Members - Akelicious | Latest News Headlines| Politics, Entertainment, Sport

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PCN Bill 2018: PSN-YPG Reaches out to Her Members

First, I wish to commend the Leadership of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria and the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria on the passage of the PCN Bill 2018.

The PCN Bill 2018 was presented on the floor of the Nigerian Senate in 2016 and since then, Several Stakeholders meetings, town Hall meetings and talks have been ongoing in all Pharmacy forums.

This was necessary in order to better position Pharmacists to serve Her community better, also strengthening existing practice and Training.

Submissions were made by Pharmacists through the various Technical Groups of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria.

These submissions were influenced by the Challenges faced by the profession which included Coverage, Jurisdiction, Training and Regulation.

I am particularly elated by the high level discussions and engagements by Young Pharmacists on the Bill as passed by Senate.

This goes on to confirm that it is not in Our Nature to Remain Silent on Issues affecting our profession at both International, National and Local Levels.

Before I clear the Air on the sections of the Bill that have attracted Key criticisms, it is important to remind us that the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria is empowered by Law to Regulate all Practice of Pharmacy, in all its ramifications.

On the Satellite Pharmacy proposed in the New Bill, keys issues of interest to Young Pharmacists have been:

Why 10 years before one is eligible to start a satellite Pharmacy?

Will I be well paid if a satellite Pharmacy owner hires me as a Locum Pharmacists, being that the Satellite Pharmacy owner is the “Superintendent pharmacist”?

How does the Satellite Pharmacy favor me as a Young Pharmacists?

My Explanations:

The 10 years caveat in the Regulation does not favor and allow Young pharmacists to start satellite pharmacies.

The Satellite Pharmacy Concept was championed by Pharmacists outside community Practice who wish to practice Community Pharmacy, in bid to increase access to Pharmacists, bridging the current coverage gap.

Council in Her wisdom introduced the 10 years minimum post registration clause. One may not be wrong to reason that this is to curb over proliferation of Satellite Pharmacy.

The same legislation empowers all Pharmacists (Both Young and Old) to set Up a Retail or Wholesale Pharmacy at any part of Nigeria, in any place of His or Her Choice, both Urban and rural.

The law does not hinder a Young Pharmacists who is interested in Community Pharmacy practice in setting up a Pharmacy.

But for a Pharmacist who is interested in hospital practice or Academia, you are required to practice for 10 years before you can combine Both your Hospital practice or Academia with Community practice.

The fears that Young pharmacists who will be hired as Locum Pharmacists will be underpaid are genuine, taking a clue from the current trend in the Community pharmacy practice industry.

It is important to note that Council is working on the Satellite Pharmacy Regulations Document which will nib the speculations in this regard.

Council will also provide clear cut definitions of underserved or rural communities

The satellite Pharmacy model in Nigeria by co-opting the lean Pharmacist Human resources from other sectors to Rural and underserved areas will in no doubt increase pharmacist’s coverage in Nigeria.

The Composition of Council is line with Current realities as the ACPN, NAIP, AHAPN, NAPA, ALPs, PSN-YPG is represented by the PSN.

In implementing this key provision of the Bill, the provision that a Pharmacist must be available at all times in a Pharmacy, (Retail, Satellite or wholesale) whenever it is open comes to fore.

This must be well provided for in the satellite Pharmacy regulations to avoid infiltration of Quacks and Non- professionals in the Profession through the Satellite Pharmacy window.

God Bless the PSN – Young Pharmacists Group
God Bless the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria
God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Pharm. Hanson Ekomobong
National Chairman
PSN – Young Pharnmacists Group

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