Miley Cyrus Screws the Pooch in Dog Attack Case, Accused of Perjury - Akelicious | Latest News Headlines| Politics, Entertainment, Sport

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Miley Cyrus Screws the Pooch in Dog Attack Case, Accused of Perjury

                          Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus has been accused of committing perjury in the lawsuit over her sister’s dog allegedly attacking a model after a video was uncovered that contradicted the singer’s claim that she never met the dog before the attack.

Back in 2014, Miley’s sister Brandi was sued by a model named Yolande Ngom. The suit claimed Brandi’s German Shepherd, Feather, bit Ngom at an apartment complex where Brandi lived but Miley paid the rent.

Ngom demanded the “Wrecking Ball” star sit for a deposition about the dog and the facts surrounding the case. However, Miley filed docs objecting to being grilled under oath, claiming she had no information to contribute to the case.

Miley accused Ngom of only wanting to depose her in an attempt to harass and annoy her. She was adamant that she knew nothing about the alleged attack and even said she had never even met the dog before the incident.

Cut to recently, the model filed docs explaining one of her lawyers uncovered the smoking gun — a video uploaded by Miley herself from two years before the incident. The video shows Miley with Feather, introducing the dog by name to her fans, petting the animal and stating that she is obsessed with the dog that she later claimed to have never met.

Ngom says when her lawyers triumphantly presented the video to Miley’s team, the singer rushed to court to file an amended declaration claiming her original declaration was incorrect.

In her updated declaration, Miley finally admitted that she had indeed been to the condo during the time Brandi lived there with the dog. She also said in light of learning of the video — “and having my memory somewhat refreshed” — she had to make “clarifications” to her original declaration

While she admits its existence — obviously — Miley now says she has “no recollection” of making the video 7 years before she signed a declaration claiming she had never known about Feather prior to the incident. The singer says over the years she’s made hundreds of videos for fans and, “I do not, and cannot, remember every specific video that I have made.”

Miley claims that due to her “lack of memory,” when she made the claims about not knowing the dog, technically it was true.

Ngom and her attorney’s aren’t buying the star’s excuse and are now accusing Miley and her sister of continually abusing the discovery process in the lawsuit, as well as claiming Miley made deliberately false statements backed up in a perjured declaration signed by the star herself. They also point out that Miley’s mom, Tish Cyrus, made the same false claims.

The model believes Miley will once again try and use her celebrity to delay being deposed and wants her to be ordered to sit for up to seven hours and get grilled with questions. A hearing has been set for June 8 where the judge will finally rule on whether Miley will be deposed in the case.

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