The Barrier Between The Dividends Of Democracy And The Anambra Southerners - Ifeanyi Ubah's Bargaining Prowess! - Akelicious | Latest News Headlines| Politics, Entertainment, Sport

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The Barrier Between The Dividends Of Democracy And The Anambra Southerners - Ifeanyi Ubah's Bargaining Prowess!

Good governance and leadership ought to be the right every citizen of a country should enjoy; it should not be optional but as a matter of fact be mandatory because that is actually the essence of politics. The betterment and wellbeing of people should not be compromised for any personal interest or selfish gains neither should it be gambled with; their welfare should be made sacrosanct if not for anything, for posterity sake.

It is quite unfortunate in our country’s politics today; it has long suffered excruciating pains of murder, deceit, libel, corruption and inattention to the socio-economic needs of the populace from her politicians. This is easily so due to flexibility in the moral conduct and attitude of the political leaders where everybody acts the mischievous way he feels in order to achieve his sole selfish ends and which often amounts to total negligence of the ethics of the game of politics.

It is therefore imperative for the people to rise to their feet and say NO! to bad governance by standing on the side of the right aspirant whose sole aim and mission is to put smiles on the faces of his people. There is also need to cast aside sentiments and nepotism if credibility is all they seek.

Anambra South senatorial district has indeed had their own fair share of bad governance due to neglect by our past leaders who had failed on numerous occasions to fulfill any of their campaign promises and thus has brought about wanton enmity between the leaders and the good people of Anambra South and it is time to make things right. Anambra south needs a credible, open minded, intelligent, dedicated, loyal, committed and goal oriented leader; a leader with a clear cut agenda of what he intends to fulfill if voted into political office. A leader who is innovative and of great vision and all these qualities I have seen in no other person but Dr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah. He is a philanthropist cum political guru, a true democrat and a lover of justice.

“Ebube Chukwu Uzo” as he is fondly known is a man who had seen it all in our political sector, his track records are there for all to behold. His generosity is indeed second to none, a man with a heart of Gold. The youths of our zone can testify to that fact because he had sponsored many of them in their various businesses. Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah as we all know is a successful business man who has many businesses scattered all over our country and had employed countless number of youths in his companies; by this singular act of charity, he had succeeded in reducing crime to the minimum and moral decadence exhibited by our youths has been eradicated completely.

Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah is a man who stands for truth, he only supports what is right even if one is related to him, he never compromise his integrity just to protect one who had done wrong. He is a man of great repute and unquestionable character. Permit to say this, I believe Abuja is indeed his birthright; he deserves to represent Anambra south come 2019 for he represents credibility.

Anambra south needs an outspoken, erudite and pragmatic senator at the red chambers if our voice must be heard. As an industrialist cum entrepreneur, Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah had paid his dues; he will surely attract unimaginable development to our zone. Our unemployed youths will have something to do; our road would be in a better state. In fact, all the dividends of democracy which had eluded us in the past shall be restored to us.

Anambra south deserves better, voice of Ndi Igbo must be heard in the red chambers; our zone would no longer be marginalized, issues related to our welfare must be attended to with immediate effect because Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah is representing us. Our zone is indeed broken and come 2019, Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah under the platform of the most credible party APGA will certainly fix it because then the welfare of Anambra south will be his priority.

The good people of Anambra south, we must give this philanthropist a chance to better our lots next year for he is a priceless gift from God to us and until the leadership of our zone is significantly altered, no dramatic improvements in speed or flexibility can be achieved. We must therefore do the needful by sending Dr. Ifeanyi to the red chambers for he also wears this shoe with us and knows where it pinches.

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