Technovation Gold Winning Regina Pacis Sec. Sch. Girls: Bishop Ezeokafor Congratulates Archbishop Okeke - Akelicious | Latest News Headlines| Politics, Entertainment, Sport

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Technovation Gold Winning Regina Pacis Sec. Sch. Girls: Bishop Ezeokafor Congratulates Archbishop Okeke

                       Image result for His Lordship Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor,
The Catholic bishop of Awka Diocese, His Lordship Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor, has congratulated His Grace Most Rev. Valerian Maduka Okeke, Catholic Archbishop of Onitsha and the Metropolitan of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province on the victorious outing of his students during the just concluded World Technovation Challenge held recently in faraway San Francisco, USA.

The education-friendly Prelate who gave out his congratulatory message at St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral, Awka said he was overwhelmed with joy when the news filtered in, noting that the feat had placed Regina Pacis Secondary School on the world map, even as he thanked all those who played a part in nurturing the children.

'I congratulate Archbishop for this noble feat. It shows that we are really doing something down here

'Return of schools to their original owners, the mission, is really paying off. We are now reaping the dividends. With this, we are motivated to carry on. Let me also thank our governor for honouring these children and their tutors.

'Governor Obiano deserves every commendation he is receiving at the moment. I thank him immensely,' bishop Ezeokafor said

Source: Abuchi Onwumelu

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