2018: Victims Support Fund supports 2,300 Adamawa farmers - Akelicious | Latest News Headlines| Politics, Entertainment, Sport

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2018: Victims Support Fund supports 2,300 Adamawa farmers

The Victims Support Fund (VSF) says no fewer than 2,300 farmers in Adamawa have benefitted from its distribution agricultural inputs and farm equipment in 2018.

The farmers were said to benefit the gesture at the local government level during the rain-fed, dry season farming and livestock production.

The Executive Director, VSF, Prof. Sunday Ochoche, made the disclosure in a document on Wednesday in Abuja.

He said “in 2017, 1000 farmers were supported with agricultural inputs for dry season farming, in Michika and Hong LGAs.

“In 2018, 2,300 farmers were supported with agricultural inputs and farm equipment for rain-fed farming, dry season farming and livestock production in Madagali LGA,1,000 rain-fed, Gombi LGA, 1,000 dry season and Mubi-North LGA, 300 livestock.”

Ochoche said that its agricultural projects had assisted in addressing redundancy in conflict-affected agrarian communities through engagement of returnee households in meaningful agricultural practices.

According to him, these agricultural practices will re-establish their food production capacity and ensure food security.

He said that most of the insurgency victims in the North-East depended mainly on crop agriculture and livestock for their food security and income.

Ochoche said that between 2015 and 2018, 3,300 households were directly reached with support for rain-fed farming, dry Season farming and livestock farming in four local government areas.

Meanwhile, he outlined some of the challenges that mitigated the implementation of the project to include poor storage facilities to preserve the increased produce and lack of access to the larger market by the farmers.

He also listed inadequate irrigation facility in targeted communities to complement VSF support for dry season farming.

The executive director, however, noted that VSF was working to promote community reconciliation, reintegration and peace recovery through peacebuilding activities.

According to him, VSF conducted an analysis of salient issues on insurgency, terrorism and attendant effects on communities through conflict analysis workshops in collaboration with key stakeholders.

He said that between 2015 and 018, VSF conducted an analysis of conflict issues associated with the Boko Haram Insurgency.

He also added that the fund had conducted an assessment of communities affected by the insurgency in Adamawa.

“The assessment covered Madagali, Mubi North, Mubi South, Michika, Maiha, Hong and Gombi LGAs,’’ he said.

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