2 fear dead in C’River, Benue communal clash - Akelicious | Latest News Headlines| Politics, Entertainment, Sport

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2 fear dead in C’River, Benue communal clash

                          Image result for Benue communal clash
Two persons are feared dead following a communal clash between Obudu in Cross River and Vandiekya in Benue state.

Hostilities were said to have broken out in the early hours of Wednesday when Vandiekya youths allegedly launched an attack on their Obudu neighbours.

Both communities have been engaged in war for decades over farmland, leading to wanton destruction of properties and subsequent killings.

A witness, John Agba, who spoke with our correspondent on phone, said trouble started when an Obudu farmer went to farm and was harassed and inflicted with machete cuts and he had run back home.

Agba said on getting home, his kinsmen in Obudu mobilised and launched an attack on Vandiekya community and equally wounded some people.

In apparent reprisal, the Vandiekya community invaded the border area in Obudu and caused some mayhem.

The invasion, however, escalated as it later developed into full-scale war, leading to the death of two persons.

It was learnt that the students of Federal College of Education (FCE), were said to have deserted the school for fear of attack.

Confirming the incident, the Permanent Secretary in charge of security matters in governor’s office, Dr Alfred Mboto, said: “We are aware of the clash between Obudu and Benue State; the police commissioners of both states have mobilised security to the conflict zone.

“We have not got any official report of any death so far. But I assure you that peace has been restored there. Besides, we are meeting to ensure it doesn’t re-occur.”

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